You could be wasting hundreds of dollars a year on your energy bill. Many homes have insufficient insulation and air sealing. Additionally, the furnace or HVAC system and ducting may be old and inefficient. This can lead to significant energy losses in the home. Wyoming winters can be especially brutal on your heating bill. Let our professionals save you money by identifying energy losses in your home and working with you to find the right solution. Most energy upgrades are tax deductible under the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) or the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Even upgrading your furnace to a high efficiency model can offer thousands of dollars in tax rebates. Whether you own a home or business, we can help you save money on your energy bill.
Our professionals are thoroughly trained in building science principles. Energy auditors need extensive knowledge in physics and engineering to ensure upgrades actually work and to protect your safety. We use a data-driven approach with advanced measurement tools to ensure you get the most savings. Using Thermal Imaging, we can show you in real time how the home may be losing energy. Whether you're upgrading insulation, improving air sealing, or investing in full HVAC upgrades, we will help you find the most cost-effective solution tailored to your needs.